With everything that happened in Japan many became concerned about the effects of nuclear fallout reaching them. Potassium Iodide and Iodine are sought after in regards to radiation exposure so it is no wonder that sales of these are going nuts right now. But please don’t pay $500 for a packet of potassium iodide pills that were selling for $10 last week. There are natural sources of iodine that you can look to and Potassium Iodide and Iodine can help your glandular system after radiation exposure.
This concern is not foreign to me actually because I had to think about this issue once before… when I dosed myself with radiation for a Positron Emission Tomography (PET) scan, which is basically a nuclear medicine imaging technique. It was awful to sit in a cold time capsule like room and and watch a nurse get a syringe out of a lead box, locked in safe, and inject you with it. I think I would have bolted had she donned a Hazmat suit. But hearing those words “cancer free” just meant too much to me at the time.
Anyway, I am familiar with getting iodine via IV and loading up on iodine rich foods to try and counter any negeative effects. The sea is our friend in this regard. Natural iodine sources include sea vegetables and seaweed… kelp, spirulina, chlorella, blue-green algae, kombu, nori, etc. Not only do they contain iodine they are also extremely helpful in detoxifying the body of heavy metals, which is always of concern with radiation exposure. So if you are worried it may be time to start adding spirulina powder (what they gave children in Chernobyl) to your smoothies, munching chlorella tablets, and eat that surf clam seaweed salad or miso soup at your local sushi bar.
Other foods to try for their protective and/or detox qualities:
Reishii (a mushroom)
Green and black teas
Mustard Greens
Other methods:
Epsom salt baths
Baking soda baths
Even if you aren’t concerned about what is going on in Japan this is always good info to have, especially since our own government is in love with nuclear power. And we can expect more of these events in the future unless we (as a planet) make a move away from dangerous fuel sources. Until such time it is not a bad idea to add Potassium Iodide Tablets to your emergency supplies kit… after the prices come down of course.