Natural First Aid Kits from NaturoKits

Natural First Aid Kits from NaturoKits

Awhile back I posted about how to make your own natural first aid kit. At the time I kept thinking it would be really awesome if someone offered a ready made product like this and surprise I recently found one. NaturoKits is offering naturopathic first aid kits with a nice collection of natural remedies for common ailments and accidents. This kit doesn’t have bandages and bandaids but those are easy to take care of on your own… the real meat in any first aid kit is the remedies and medicines.

The one you see above was graciously sent to me by NaturoKits and it is their Basic Kit. It has the following remedies:

Activated Charcoal – Intestinal upset – diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, indigestion, and gas
Apis 30c – Stings
Arnica 30c – Bruising and muscle soreness
Calendula Succus – Burns, cuts, scrapes
Cantharis 30C – Burns and sunburns
Crisis Calm – Anxiety, irritability, fear, worry, grief, loss, and nervousness
Hypericum 30c – Nerve Pain
Ledum 30c – Bug bites and stings
Wild Weed Salve – Soothing itchy skin, chapped skin, minor cuts, and scrapes

It is full of flower essences, homeopathic remedies, botanical (herbal) medicines, and dietary supplements. All of these remedies come in a nice canvas tote bag and full instructions for each remedy, which it advises you to read over BEFORE you actually need anything from the kit.

The creators of the kit are actually naturopathic physicians and moms and they filled it what they consider to be the essentials. The ingredients merely aid your own body in the healing process, not interfere with it like so many conventional medications do. I haven’t had the need to actually use anything from the kit yet but I am happy to have it on hand just in case.

Check out there website to purchase kits or buy via Amazon. Enjoy!