7 Practical Uses for Essential Oils

7 Practical Uses for Essential Oils

7 Practical Uses for Essential Oils

Scented Baths – Essential oils can be added to baths for pure relaxation purposes or to help with some sort of ailment like muscle soreness (pine, lavender) or congestion (peppermint, tea tree).

Mood Perfume – Scents have long been known to have great effects on mood. If you have an old roll on deodorant bottle try adding some jojoba or sweet almond oil to it along with your favorite essential oil. Roll on when you need a boost plus you get bonus points for in home recycling.

  • Romantic – rosewood, bergamot, patchouli
  • Uplifting – geranium, holy basil, melissa
  • Stimulating- coriander, neroli, geranium, ginger
  • Calming – frankincense,  clary sage, angelica

Soothing Skin – After a sunburn it can really help with pain and healing to take a long, cold shower and then moisturize with coconut oil and 1% Roman chamomile, jasmine, lavender, neroli, or rosewood. Acne can be soothed with a cotton ball and tea tree oil. Skin all over your body can be moisturized with an essential oils/coconut oil mix.

Cleaning Products – Essential oils have potent antimicrobial properties along with their clean, natural aromas. They deodorize, purify, and sanitize…safely. Try using lemon, tea tree, peppermint, eucalyptus, and rosemary by adding to baking soda, vinegar, or castile soap.

lemon oil

To make the scented scrub (top) just add a few drops essential oil to baking soda and then sprinkle over the surface of the area you want to clean. This can also be sprinkled over top of carpet and then vacuumed up to deodorize your home.

To make the lemon spray just add 5-6 drops lemon oil to white vinegar and clean your kitchens and bathrooms. They get squeaky clean and they smell like lemons!

Foot Scrubs – Got rough feet? Make a foot scrub with cornmeal or ground oats, Epsom salts, and either peppermint or ylang ylang oils. Scrub and enjoy smooth tootsies.

Compresses – Using hot or cold compresses is basic first aid. The addition of essential oils can be beneficial for fevers, sprains, bruises, and bug bites.

Steam Inhalation – Use a bowl of steaming hot water and a towel or take a hot shower. Either way, adding essential oils can help with all sorts of ailments via inhalation…colds, sore throats, skin conditions, and coughing.

Read also: 12 Amazing Uses for Tea Tree Oil