Marriage Ebook Bundle Deal

Marriage Ebook Bundle Deal

Young beautiful couple dating

A couple weeks ago I discovered the eBook Bundle of the Week much to my delight. It is essentially a new bundle of high quality ebooks for one super low price ($7.40), usually less than the price of one book individually. I scooped up some ebooks about blogging and productivity a couple weeks ago and almost got last week’s bundle about home organization but I already owned three of them! They are usually books I have already had my eye on but this week’s bundle is full of new-to-me stuff and I am super excited about it.

It is perfect for valentine’s month and also for my personal goals. If you recall it is one my NewYear’s resolutions to make my husband/marriage a priority. Having some ebooks on the topic of marriage and relationships to read in bed each evening will be helpful for me no doubt. Having lots of ebooks to read also makes it less likely I will spend my evenings watching mindless television. For that reason, I am loving the ebook bundle of the week concept.

This week you get: 15-Minute Marriage Makeover, A Simple Marriage, Stripped Down, Entangled, and The Husband’s Guide to Getting Lucky.

A couple of these seemed at first to be a little religiously oriented which isn’t my thing but the information is still good. Everyone wants their marriage to rock right? If you want some love and relationship reading this month, these are sure to please. Enjoy!