45+ Every Day Uses for Essential Oils

45+ Every Day Uses for Essential Oils

I recently asked the followers on my Natural Family Living Facebook page for some insight into what essential oils they use and what they use them for? I wanted to see what some common uses were and if any creative and new-to-me ideas popped up. I was so impressed with the range of answers that I have decided to share the info here. There are so many every day, practical uses for essentials oils it blows my mind! The power of plants indeed!

My question was “What’s the last essential oil you used? What did you use it for?”

Some of the answers…

Peppermint for headache

Lavender for homemade baby wipes

Rosemary for homemade dish soap

Lavender for a stuffed nose / head cold

Melaleuca in the nostrils to prevent a cold

Sweet orange mixed in baking soda to freshen carpets

Lavender to help mom and child sleep

Tea tree for cleaning

Lavender for a cooking burn

Lavender for seasonal allergies

Clove oil for a toothache

Roman chamomile for relaxation

Tea tree oil for acne

Eucalyptus for cleaning

Peppermint for homemade toothpaste

Lemon to fill a diffuser

Oregano oil to combat a cold

Geranium in the steam room at the gym

Peppermint for lotion and scenting sheets

Eucalyptus for clearing sinuses

Lavender for teething

Eucalyptus in the bath for aches and pains

Rosemary and tea tree for an all purpose spray cleaner

Rosemary and black pepper for muscle aches

Clove oil with vinegar mopping the floor

Thieves for a cold sore and to freshen breathe

Rose hip seed in moisturizer for an anti- aging omega boost

Peppermint in my homemade all purpose cleaner

Patchouli for the wash

Thieves oil on the feet before bed to combat a fever

Lavender to relax in the tub

Lemon for cleaning

Thieves and eucalyptus for a chest cold

Lavender for homemade body butter

Eucalyptus and coconut oil on feet at night to helping with coughing

Teat tree in the cloth diaper bin

Wild orange in the diffuser for calming

Orange to keep the cat off the bed

Peppermint and tea tree to soak cloth diapers in after a rinse, but before the wash

Peppermint for nausea

Lavender in the dryer, instead of using dryer sheets

Thieves for disinfecting after illness

Tea tree for athletes foot

Orange oil to make hand soap

Peppermint and eucalyptus in a rock fountain to freshen air

Orange for homemade cleaning supplies

Tamanu for skin rash/eczema

Tea tree oil to prevent bed bugs

What oils have you used lately???

Learn more about essential oils!

45 Uses Essential Oils-nm