March Giveaway – $450 Amazon Gift Card!!

March Giveaway – $450 Amazon Gift Card!!

amazon gift card giveaway

Giveaway time!!! I try to keep giveaways to a minimum here. Perhaps it is because I am uber picky about the types of products I endorse. The beauty of this giveaway though is that the winner gets to choose what they need and want because it is a gift card. Amazon is one of my favorite places to shop because they have great prices and virtually anything under the sun I could need or want. I buy books, I buy food, I buy supplements, I buy….lots of stuff.

The prize for this giveaway is an Amazon gift card for a whopping $450!! Just think about what $450 would buy. You could opt to buy lots of little things…

A book or two… I would recommend some great gardening reads since spring is coming.


You could also buy some of the supplements you have been wanting to try. Grab some grassfed gelatin and some fermented cod liver oil and butter oil capsules.

Maybe those brand spanking new heritage Ball jars…in green. You know you want them… I mean NEED them.

green ball jars (2)

The option is also there is get one or two BIG things.

How about a lawn mower with a rechargeable battery so you can stop spraying your lawn and garden with gasoline fumes?

green works

Or a KitchenAid Mixer? Can’t go wrong there!
