If you are a true essential oil enthusiast than you have a fairly large supply of the oils. After all, you can use them for so many things. Having your own natural remedies and green cleaners on hand can’t be beat. Over the years I have kept mine in a medicine cabinet because you need to keep them somewhere cool and dark to preserve their integrity. The issue now is that I just have too many to make that feasible and my youngest (who is autistic) can now reach the medicine cabinets if he chooses to explore.
Luckily there are numerous essential oil carrying cases on the market. There are also display cases but I don’t find those very practical and in fact they might make the oils more enticing to curious children. Having them “play” in mommy’s oils would be unsafe and also quite expensive. I needed a carrier or tote that could be tucked away from prying eyes.
I order to see what the oils are I ordered a batch of cap sticker/labels from Young Living for a couple bucks and now they are all safely stored but still easy to access when I need them. The only problem is that I filled the first 30 count carrier and I still have more… oh well, off to order another! I think I will get them in varying colors and then keep blends and standard oils separate and even easier to find.
Find essential oil carrying cases on Amazon. The specific one I got below is here.