Okay, it is that time of year. Tax time! You may be thinking (or agonizing) about how you have to do your taxes or maybe you already have them done. Either way, if you are expecting a refund from the government then you have already started dreaming about what you will do with it. Same here.
So…what to do with the moola? Well, big or small there are probably a few purchases that you can make that will be beneficial in the long run…helping you a new level of wellness. I understand the tendency to want to blow the money on a trampoline for the kids or a bigger (but really unneeded TV). Part of our personal refund is in fact allotted to purely fun stuff. Hello, DisneyWorld! But now is also the time to make smart purchases that will pay all year long and even for years to come. Investing in your future is always good. Here are a few ideas:
Join a Herdshare or CSA – Health begins with healthy food but it can be hard to manage on a modest income. Use the extra cash from tax time to invest in healthy food for a big portion of the year. A CSA share requires a larger one time investment and then you get a bag/box of fresh fruits and veggies all throughout the growing season. A herdshare is a great way to buy grassfed or pastured meats in bulk and save money. Fill your freezer with a quarter cow and half pig and you will be set with healthy meats for a long time.
A Bulk Order of Healthy Superfoods and Supplements – You may want to make a large bulk order of mushroom coffee, collagen peptides, MCT oil, ionic and topical magnesium, and all the other healthy foods and supplements you love or want to try.
Grow Your Own Garden – Take charge and start growing your own healthy, organic foods. Look into raised beds, a rain barrel, a compost bin, garden tools, heirloom seeds, and even some fruit bushes and trees. Once you get the garden going you will benefit for years to come.
Alternatively you could also buy a plot at a community garden.
Take Cooking Classes – If healthy eating and cooking is a struggle for you then take some classes! Learn how to cook from scratch, bake your own bread, can and preserve food from the garden and farmer’s market, and generally be more self sufficient in the kitchen.
Clean the Air – Now might be a good time to buy a good air purifier or air ionizer.
Start Using Essential Oils – I am a HUGE fan of essential oils and have been for about 20 years. A couple years ago I started using Young Living essential oils and fell in love all over again. The rose ointment helped me get rid of persistent adult acne. The thyroid supplement helped me fall alseep faster and regrow a lush head of hair after a bout with hypothyroidism. I shudder to think about doing without some of their amazing products.
I suggest that you save about $40-$150 of that tax money, sign up as a wholesale member (distributor) and get a starter kit. Plus as a wholesale member you get 24% off any future oil purchases and you can even make money when you help others get started with oils too. This small investment can have a big impact on your life in multiple ways.
Join a Gym or Hire a Personal Trainer – With a little money in your pocket you might want to prepay for some CrossFit classes or sessions with a personal trainer. Investing in fitness is a win win.
Buy A Bike – Bicycle riding is great exercise and it is great or the planet. Get a good bike and promise to pedal more instead of using your car.
Invest in Healthy Sleep – A great green mattress is wonderful way to reduce toxins in your sleep environment and give you a health boost. If that is too much money then try a good wool mattress cover, some eco friendly pillows, and organic sheets.
We can always find clever ways to save money and invest in the things that matter, that make us healthier. To make your investments go even further you can get creative and find ways to save in other areas of the budget. Do without cable, cancel your Netflix, use coupons, etc. When we get a larger chunk of money to work with (like tax money) we have an opportunity to do something truly valuable with it.
How will YOU use tax money to enhance your health?