Voting for Climate Change With Your Wallet

Voting for Climate Change With Your Wallet

Voting for Climate Change With Your Wallet

Everyone is getting bombarded with voting messages lately. I just started getting lots of unsolicited emails from the campaign of the one of the presidential hopefuls this week. Facebook is full of political talk. The energy surrounding this election is ramping up but in my humble opinion we need to remember that every day is voting day. We don’t have to wait to wait to be heard. No, we may not get to decide on POTUS but we do get to cast votes for many other equally important issues. More important issues actually.

Every day we vote with our shopping dollars. Are we supporting unsustainable, toxic products and companies or are we supporting conscious, safe, and sustainable companies and products? When we go down the aisle of the big box store and pick up a bottle of cleaning fluid or a box of cereal we are casting a vote in support of that product and that company…are you voting for the people and things you want to be?

Sadly, if most people did some background checks on the products they are currently buying they would be sickened by who and what their money is supporting. The good news for all of of us though is that you can change this instantly by changing what you buy and who you buy it from. We all are all consumers on some level so we can all be activist consumers if we choose to be and why on earth would you choose NOT to be once you become aware of the power in your purse?

For 2015 I have partnered with a company that makes is easy to become to the activist consumer you want to be. ClimateStore’s mission is to is to make it fun and easy for people to reduce their carbon footprint by

  • helping people learn about climate change
  • promoting new ideas for sustainable living
  • finding great products that reduce fossil fuel use
  • sharing success stories

What I personally found appealing about ClimateStore is that we can shop for products that reduce our carbon footprint and support a company that values the same things. So many large companies with dirty practices and heavy carbon footprints jump on the green bandwagon to get their piece of the pie. Well, I would rather my money go towards good products AND ethical, responsible companies. I love that this particular store isn’t just about selling. They have a large educational component as well. They are seeking to create a community among their customers of people who are well versed in climate science and the environmental impacts thereof. It is a mission and a company I can get behind.

It also helps that the products are great. They aren’t greenwashed products that leave you scratching  your head in confusement. They have a great selection of smart home tools such as programmable thermostats and solar thermometers. They have compost bins and rain barrels too. The gardener in me just loves that.

When the talk around you gets political it helps to remember that you have power and a vote right this very second. What kind of world will you vote for and what kind of ethics will you support?


Disclaimer: I am working in partnership with ClimateStore as a blog ambassador and I am compensated for my work . The opinions and thoughts contained in this post are 100% my own.