The above photos shows what I have been up to of late…reading up on gut health and also doing a ten day probiotic challenge.
The book is fantastic. It really makes what seems like a boring topic, absolutely fascinating. I never thought a book about intestines would be a real page turner but honestly I sat down with it one lazy Sunday morning and didn’t want to put it down. Not only is it with fascinating little factoids and details about the gut it is also references studies that have come to show links between poor gut health and more serious ailments and problems.
At the same time that I was reading this gem I was also doing a ten day probiotic challenge to celebrate the ten year anniversary of Ultimate Flora probiotic from Renew Life. Their product has 50 billion live cultures per capsule and 12 probiotic strains. The capsules help relieve digestive discomfort if you have any and they promote digestive and immune health. The latter benefit was really the one I had been going for. I really believe in taking probiotics, I have just gotten lax about it lately. This ten day challenge was a reboot of sorts for me to get me back on the horse. I feel amazing when my gut is healthy and thriving. I feel lighter, I feel healthier, and I feel “sharper”. That was just in ten days too so it gave me the kick in the pants I needed to stay the course.