It is a question that rarely anyone asks or thinks about and yet vitamin D can play a big part in the way we feel and function daily. You may feel lethargic and that you are running on empty. You might have a constant case of the blues. Work could be tiring you out or maybe you are stressed. The answer might also be something else though. Could you be deficient in vitamin D?
This is a big issue for me personally. When I start to feel down, lethargic, and even depressed I go into my Doctor’s office for blood work. He almost always assumes it is my thyroid acting up again. Usually we find that I have really lows levels of vitamin D and B12.
What Is Vitamin D?
This vitamin is produced in the body as a result of exposure to sunlight. When you get outside and soak up some sun, the sun’s rays are absorbed through the skin where a chemical reaction takes place and vitamin D is formed. That’s why it is referred to as the “sunshine vitamin.”
You can also find this vitamin in foods. One place you here about most often is milk. Most, if not all milk contains added vitamin A and D. Naturally, it is found in fish liver oils, some fish and eggs. Many food producers today are adding this vitamin and others as a way to increase consumption of necessary nutrients. You may read of its inclusion in cereals, juices and whole grains. In general though the best place to source nutrients and vitamins is from naturally occurring sources and not foods that have had synthetic versions added. How well our body absorbs these nutrients can be impacted.
Why do you need vitamin D?
Well, for me personally (and for many others) it is essential to happiness and mental well being. Being vitamin D deficient actually causes me to feel sad and depressed. It is much worse in the winter (think Seasonal Affective Disorder) but anytime my vitamin D levels are low I tend to feel down.
It is essential for strong bones and teeth. Calcium keeps bones strong, it is true, but vitamin D is vital because it enables the body to utilize the calcium it receives through food and supplements. One needs the other to work. As you get older, lack of calcium can lead to osteoporosis and other skeletal problems. It isn’t just a matter of calcium but also vitamin D. In fact if your bones ache and you have chronic fatigue you should be looking into a vitamin D deficiency before you look at fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome.
Symptoms of Deficiency
How do you know if you are Vitamin D deficient? Here are some of the signs that your levels are lower than need be.
* Fatigue – You are always tired even when your work day isn’t so strenuous. If you no energy for life then you need to look closer into why.
* Body aches – Bone pain is a common sign of vitamin D deficiency. Muscle aches can also fall into this category.
* Weight issues – It may be harder to get your weight under control when you lack sufficient amounts of vitamin D in your bloodstream. This may be in no small way due to your lack of energy and motivation.
What Puts You at Risk
* Obesity – Yikes, deficiency can contribute to weight gain and the excess weight can contribute to deficiency. Talk about a double edged sword. Fat cells fremove fat-soluble, hormone-like vitamin D from the bloodstream. Too much fat can result in lower levels of the vitamin in the body.
* Ethnicity – Darker skinned individuals have melanin pigment in their skin, making it harder to absorb the vitamin D. Longer exposure to the sun can fix that.
* Limited sunlight – Living in an area where the sun rarely shines greatly inhibits the intake of vitamin D. Winter times increases the risk.
* Limited diet – Lack of the foods that contain vitamin D in your diet can lower your overall daily intake.
* Digestive issues – Conditions like Crohn’s disease reduces the ability of the intestines to absorb vitamin D.
If you are not sure about your levels or if they are low enough to cause problems, see your doctor and have your blood drawn for testing. Ideally you should test when vitamin D levels should be high (like August) and also when they would normally be a bit lower (like January). Once you know, you can create a plan of attack and feel much better soon.