5 Ways Moms Can Make Some Extra Cash

5 Ways Moms Can Make Some Extra Cash

5 Ways Moms Can Make Some Extra CashEver since I started following Dave Ramsey I have been been thinking more and more about different ways to earn money. His followers often talk about their Dave jobs, which are actually second jobs, side jobs, or any little jobs you can pick up to earn extra money to further your financial goals. Budgeting and cutting expenses is great but when you already have a bare bones budget or you cannot imagine cutting every little luxury from life, you need to think about boosting your income instead. Every little bit helps. It helped us pay off our two car loans in just a matter of months!

Here are six ways you can earn a little extra cash…

Ebay – You can find things around the home to sell on ebay and you can also look at thrift stores, yard sales, and estate sales. There are Facebook groups dedicated to ebay resellers and you can quickly identify what sells and what to look for. You can also sell unlikely items such as empty toilet paper tubes, old instruction manuals, cords to old appliances, installation CDs and drivers, heck even complete junk drawers fresh from the estate auction. Start with a few listings and you may be pleasantly surprised how easy it is to make money.

Trupic – This company provides you with the opportunity to make money simply by taking pictures of various structures within your community. Facilities managers around the country often need photos of their properties, buildings, and projects and it makes sense to find someone in the area to snap the photos rather than traveling there themselves. You can assist them and make some extra cash by downloading the free Trupic app to find jobs in your area and how much they pay. You accept any job that interests you and you snap photos of property just put on the market, a completed landscape project, a pothole, etc. You can set up alerts to be notified if jobs pop up in your area too so that you don’t miss out. It is an easy way to make some money!

Surveys – There are numerous companies out there that offer surveys you can take for money and other rewards. I don’t have a lot of time or patience for surveys but I do read the offers I get and typically make an extra $5-15 a month in just a few minutes times. That’s a wine bottle or two!

Fiverr – This is a marketplace that you can join as a seller to make money. You post a job you will do for five bucks and make money when buyers take you up on your offer. You can write articles, create graphics, edit school papers, convert ebooks, and generally do small digital jobs. If you have these skills you can make quick money. I have sold on Fiverr myself but mostly I am a customer.

Selling on local classified boards – This is much like selling on ebay except you can list for free which allows you to list virtually anything without worrying about listing fees. It is a much more forgiving market. It also opens the door for you turn trash into treasure. Perhaps you see a chair or a dresser on the side of the road. You might pick it up, clean it up, and list it on Craigslist or OfferUp. Your kids old toys, used clothing, and furniture sell well. You can even sell cuttings from your houseplants or your extra Kombucha scobies (I have done this). List it and see!

No matter what your financial goals are, it helps when you can bring in extra income. Every little bit can help you get closer to paying off debt or building up your savings. In this day and age of digital business and mobile apps you can make money easier than ever before. Here is to your success!