4 Easy Ways to Use Baby Oil

4 Easy Ways to Use Baby Oil

Ways to Use Baby OilAfter a child is born, people tend to give gift after gift after gift, maybe without realizing quite what it is the gifts do. Baby oil is an often bought gift for the expectant mom. It’s a product that’s little understood and seems to just exist inside of baby gift baskets. If baby lotion is around to provide moisture, what uses are there for baby oil? Due to the nature of oil, it clings to skin longer, providing more hydration.

Aside from contributing to the overall hydration of your child, baby oil has many other uses you might not have known about. This article is going to go over those other applications!

Removing Latex Paint from Skin

Paints and primers are tricky, sometimes they can just rub off dry like rubber cement, sometimes they’ll be stuck to your hands for a few days. A secret trick to removing these stains is to take a cotton ball, wash cloth or other porous fabric and dab the cotton ball on the baby oil, once applied, rub in concentric circles around the painted portions of your skin. Baby oil is not a scrub, it’s softer and more localized massage oil.

After you feel like you’ve made some progress, feel free to scrub with soap and water until all of the paint gone.

Remove Eye Make Up

Everyone loves a clean face, but modern makeup supplies have been designed to stick to faces stronger than they ever have before – which can make it quite a chore to take off. If you don’t have the right tools you may not be able to remove it, which can lead to build up in your pores that can cause acne outbreaks. If you simply apply some baby oil to a cotton ball and gently rub over any eye makeup that you want removed. Use another cotton ball to wipe off excess oil, and voila!

Shine Your Wooden Furniture

If your dinner party guests are on their way and you’ve just noticed that there are unsightly water stains on your tabletops, have no fear – baby oil can help by providing a quick polish. This is a great alternative if you have nothing else and no time to get to a store to buy a tablecloth.

The mineral oil will make the wood shine and help create a water-proof barrier that should impress all guests.

Removes Wax, Gum or Bandages

If you’ve got some bubblegum or wax on your body or in your hair, baby oil will get it out. Apply a small amount to the affected area, let it sit, then work at the mess with your fingertips. It will make the gum easier to get out, it will soften the wax, and it will help the bandage come off without tearing out any hair. This is a great method to remove the residual wax after an eyebrow waxing appointment.

Baby oil has many practical health and beauty uses, as well as household applications – so be sure to keep some around your house handy at all times!