Decluttering does not have to be be overly complicated. You may want to devote some time to decluttering and organizing without the time that it takes to Konmari everything. If you work from a list of easy hotspots and items to get rid of you can tackle those areas specifically and just work a few each day. Day one, start with old makeup, perfume, and toiletries. Day two, move on to old mail and magazines, etc.
Things to Get Rid Of Right Now
- Old/unused makeup
- Old or unwanted perfume
- Old magazines
- Expired food
- Worn sheets
- Mismatched or worn socks
- Worn/ripped towels
- Broken toys
- Old cell phones
- Outgrown clothing and shoes
- Clothing that never gets worn
- Old spices
- Freezer burned or unidentifiable frozen food
- Old mail
- Scratched DVDs
- Eyeglasses with outdated prescription
- Old remote controls
- Hobby supplies for hobbies you no longer devote time to
- Books you don’t plan to read or reference again
- Expired medication
- Instruction manuals you don’t need anymore
- Miscellaneous cables, cords and wires
- Vases you don’t use
- Broken or duplicate kitchen tools
- Old or expired toiletries
- Storage containers without lids
- Chipped dishes and coffee cups
- Old or unused membership cards rewards cards
- Old calendars and greeting cards
- Anything on your frig you no longer need (notes, coupons, awards)
- Old software disks
- Board games you don’t play
- Old textbooks
- Old paint and home improvement supplies
- Unwanted gifts
- Blankets and sheets you never use