If you are a true essential oil enthusiast then you have a fairly large supply of the oils. After all, you can use them for so many things. Making your own natural remedies, DIY beauty solutions, and green cleaners can’t be beat. Another consideration is how you can take them with you when you are on the go. I love being able to get at a bottle of peppermint when I need a pick me up at work or a bottle of lavender if I suddenly get hives. I also like to keep some oils on hand to diffuse in my collection of diffuser necklaces. It’s just convenient to be able to carry a few oils with me whenever I may need them or want them.
This is why I am stoked about the rather fun oily mail I got last week…a designer purse that can hold essential oils!
I acquired it from Got Oil Supplies, which is an amazing source for oily supplies. This particular purse (they have many) is the Cristine. It is a solid black with a floral/navy inner. It has 16 elastic pouches to hold your essential oil bottles…up to a 15ml vial! There is a zippered pouch in the middle and two cargo pockets for your other necessities.
It is nice enough that I would be thrilled to carry it even without the added oily storage feature but that extra feature just puts it over the top. I can carry oils with me when I want to and not worry about them leaking all over the contents of my purse. Up until now I just carried certain oils with me in a waterproof pouch. With this handbag there is no need for that. There is also ample room for all my other must haves…wallet, keys, phone, sunglasses, etc.
They have many other designs, styles, and colors. Make sure to check them out if you want a purse designed to carry essential oils. Also check out their other offerings. They have some really fun stuff! I have my eye on these custom labels for your own blends…and the purple glass bottles and labels are pretty nifty too.
On to the giveaway!! One lucky reader will win a designer essential oil purse from Got Oil Supplies!