Dollar Store Homestead Supplies

Dollar Store Homestead Supplies

Dollar Store Homestead SuppliesThe dollar store has become the hot place to shop it seems. This all passed by me unnoticed. It wasn’t until very recently that I came across a Youtube channel that featured dollar store diy decor ideas that I learned of its popularity. I asked some friends and they were bewildered that I had never shopped there. Buying “cheap plastic crap” did not appeal to me.

After seeing some impressive and cheap diy decor projects I decided to step inside and see what they had to offer. While they did certainly have a lot of cheap looking (ie low quality) stuff they also had some things I would actually buy. I ended up using a fair bit of dollar store stuff to makeover and furnish the Ikea shelving unit in my bedroom…I don’t think it looks like dollar store decor in the slightest.

At any rate I was pleasantly surprised to find that you can in fact find some useful bargains at the dollar store and not just for diy decor enthusiasts. I am a homesteader and I have found that you can find homesteading supplies there as well. Here are some things you can pick up for your own homestead.

  • Candles – I picked up some pretty candles and candle holders at my local dollar store. They have real candles and  battery operated flameless candles as well. They come in very handy during blackouts. For someone off the grid they would also no doubt be helpful.
  • Glass containers – I am always in need of glass storage containers because I hate plastic. I often buy them at the thrift store but the dollar store works too.
  • Wash cloths/rags – Great for cleaning and for bathing. They also have microfiber towels if you use them.
  • Sewing needles, thread, and scissors
  • Light Bulbs, including LEDs
  • Cheeselcoth – Great for covering ferments and straining yogurt
  • Terra cotta pots  – Ideal for indoor seedlings
  • Planters
  • LED Flashlights
  • Duct tape and masking tape
  • Rope/twine
  • Work and garden gloves
  • Bungee cords
  • Padlocks
  • Tools (pliers, screwdrivers, etc)
  • Mats/rugs
  • Clothes pins
  • Buckets
  • Brooms

What useful supplies have you found at your local dollar store?