Do Something Indulgent Just For You

Do Something Indulgent Just For You

self care for momsDo something indulgent just for yourself. It doesn’t matter how big or small, it just has to have meaning for you.

We live in a high stress world where multitasking is required and expected. We moms have so many irons in the fire it is exhausting. It can be a huge stress reliever to do something just for yourself. It is all a part of good self care and if mom is not cared for how can she care for her family. Put your own oxygen mask on first and fill your cup so you are not running on empty.

Maybe it’s running a hot bath or curling up with a new book after a leisurely trip to the library. Maybe it’s going out and getting your hair and nails done, or heading out for a girls night. Maybe it’s buying a bottle of really good wine and watching Netflix. No matter what it was, it is good to do something just for you and you will feel more relaxed and less stressed during and after. If you’re the type of person who has a hard time doing something for yourself and would rather do something nice for others, I need you to take today’s tip to heart. It will have a huge impact on your life, your relationships, and it will work like a charm as a stress buster for you.

One of my ideal self care days is this…

* Wake early, and do a workout via Daily Burn
* Shower with some happy music playing via bluetooth
* Get a cup of coffee and a croissant at Panera or Starbucks
* Go to a couple thrifts stores and just putter around looking for treasures
* Meet up with a friend or my husband for an afternoon matinee

Easy and yet filling to my heart and soul.

If you don’t take care of yourself and do something selfish every once in a while, you’ll get worn out and more stressed as time goes by. Because of that you’re not the best mother, friend, coworker, business partner, etc that you could be. When we are stressed out, we aren’t thinking clearly. We aren’t as patient as we could be. We aren’t always were kind. It’s easy to snap at the slightest provocation and regret it later. Don’t get to that point. Take care of yourself first and make sure to treat yourself every once in a while. The people around you will benefit from it.

But what about finances you may ask? Some of your ideal indulgences will cost money and you may be reluctant to spend it on yourself. Well, I say that you need to make your self care days a part of the budget! If that is not possible try finding some ways to relax and care for you that cost nothing or very little. Carving out some “me-time” and spending that time on something you enjoy like a hobby doesn’t have to cost much or anything. Knitting, doing a puzzle, or reading a good book or all cheap. Taking a hot bubble bath and listening to music doesn’t cost you anything. Pick a few things that relax and de-stress you but don’t add money troubles.

Another solution is to use spending money as a motivation to make more. Get a side hustle, work on your business, put in an hour or two of overtime, or find a few extra savings in your budget to make up for the money you’re spending on yourself. Whatever you decide to do, don’t feel guilty about treating yourself every once in a while. You deserve it mama!