DIY Vanilla Rose Sugar Scrub

DIY Vanilla Rose Sugar Scrub

DIY Rose Sugar ScrubWith Valentine’s Day around the corner I thought I would make a sugar scrub recipe that is sure to make any woman feel luxurious and special. I love the scent of rose and vanilla and together they just create something magical. This sugar scrub is super easy to make as well. If you have a special date planned this sugar scrub will give you silky soft skin and you will smell incredible. Enjoy!

DIY Vanilla Rose Sugar Scrub


1 3/4 cup sugar
1/2 cup coconut oil (melted) or sweet almond oil, add more if mixture is to dry.
1 tsp pure vanilla extract
5-6 rose petals
6-8 drops of rose or geranium essential oil

Directions: Put all ingredients in a food processor and mix well. Add extra oil as needed and put your scrub in a glass jar. It will keep for up to three months.