3 Reasons Why Buying Seasonal Produce is the Best

3 Reasons Why Buying Seasonal Produce is the Best

why seasonal produce is best

During most parts of the year you’ll find produce that is seasonal in your area. These are fruits and vegetables that grow during certain times of the year only in your area. It is not natural to buy strawberries year round when you live in Ohio. Their season doesn’t start until June. Frozen, strawberries maybe, but not fresh, or as fresh as they can be since they were shipped across the country to get to you.

Paying attention to what is in season is always a good idea. Here are the top reasons you should choose to buy what is seasonal for your area:

  1. It’s Local Food

If it is in season the grocery store is more likely to be purchasing the produce locally, because it is cheaper for them to buy it generally. Buying strawberries in the winter when you know they can’t grow in your area probably means they are being shipped in from somewhere far away. This could mean another part of your country or another country.

2. Seasonal Produce = Best Tasting Fruits & Veggies Available

Buying produce when they are not in season means they took time to be shipped to your location. They were likely picked before they were ripe and then sprayed with chemicals enroute to artificially ripen them. They are not fresh and they usually lack in taste because they were not ready to be picked.

Plus by purchasing seasonal produce you’ll also be helping the local growers in your area and your local economy.

3. Try New Seasonal Recipes

One fun way to know what is in season is to watch your local media like newspapers and local TV programs. They spotlight seasonal product with recipes you’ve never tried before. Farmer’s market vendors are also happy to share seasonal recipes because it increases interest in their offerings.

By trying new recipes you’ll get so much more variety in your diet. This might mean you would try different dishes you wouldn’t of ordinarily tried.

4. Seasonal is Less Expensive

When produce is in season that means there is an abundance and you can get it way less than you normally would pay. For example, during the winter asparagus ranges in price from $3.99 to $5.99 a pound; however, if you purchase it during the time they grow in your area you can get it as low as $1.78 or $1.99 a pound. That is a huge savings for your pocket book.

Keep an eye out for what drops drastically in price during the year. That will be a good indication that is what is in season right now. You can also ask the produce department. They will be able to let you know when to expect certain fruits and vegetables to be less expensive. It’s also a good idea to keep a master list of seasonal produce in your area so you can stock up and freeze for later use.

When produce is shipped from far away they make up for that through increasing the price, but when you shop the seasonal fruits you’ll be glad to have these savings passed onto you.

By shopping seasonal you’re less likely to get out of area food and it’ll be cheaper. Plus you’ll get much more variety in your diet by trying new recipes. The food will be fresher and you’ll be supporting your community. So whenever possible shop whatever is seasonal and you’ll be happy that you did.