Vitamin C: 6 Surprising Things for Moms and Kids to Know

Vitamin C: 6 Surprising Things for Moms and Kids to Know

Think you know everything there is to know about vitamin C? There is always more to learn!

Recent studies and advice from medical professionals show us that not only can it boost your family’s health in some surprising ways. But it is also nature’s natural beautifier for moms (and dads, too)!

Here are 6 facts you to know about this superpower vitamin!

  1. It is important for oral health.

According to Lane Family Dental, a dental office in Wasilla, AK, “Even in the cleanest of mouths, gums lacking in vitamin C can easily bleed. That’s one way to know that you could have a deficiency of vitamin C. Your body needs this vitamin to strengthen the bone and tissues anchoring teeth in place. If infection sets in, lots of vitamin C can help keep it at bay. This makes it a key ingredient in the fight against gingivitis.”

So if your kids’ gums have been bleeding. Ask yourself how much vitamin C they have been taking in. Gum problems could be a result of a vitamin C deficiency.

  1. It boosts the loveliness of your skin.

One for the moms among us, vitamin C does wonders for your skin. How? Why? Because it helps produce collagen and elastin. Collagen and elastin are connective tissues in your skin, giving it its bounciness and firmness.

Noticed that vitamin C is now being used in many, many beauty products and skin care creams? Well, that is why.

But you can get skincare benefits through eating it, too, and not only through topical application. Studies show eating vitamin C can make your skin beautiful because vitamin C is famously good at wound healing. So when your skin wants to repair itself, it turns to vitamin C.

  1. Oranges are not the best source of vitamin C.

They do have a lot, but it is not a chart topper. 100 grams of orange has about 53 mg of the vitamin, but guess what’s higher? The same weight amount of kiwi has 110mg of vitamin C. And 100 grams of strawberries can contain up to 90mg of vitamin C.

Additionally, expand your search beyond the fruit aisle. The vegetable aisle has sources aplenty that have higher amounts of vitamin C than oranges have. For instance, kale has 120 mg to 100 grams. And capsicum has 152 mg per 100 grams.

So the next time you want to boost your intake, consider other sources, too.

  1. Vitamin C is nature’s chill pill.

Feeling a bit stressed out and want to unwind? Eating a snack rich in vitamin C might be the answer. Here is why.

Vitamin C is stored in your body’s adrenal glands. And guess what’s also stored there? Your body’s stress hormones. Namely, cortisol and adrenaline.

Recent studies suggest that vitamin C can help reduce your body’s stress response, thus helping you feel calmer and more at peace.

So when you or your kids are having a rough day, and tempers are flaring, consider a fruit or salad snack. And see how much better you all feel afterward!

  1. It actually is not great at fighting off colds.

During flu season, is your first reaction to douse your children with juices fortified with vitamin C so they don’t get sick?

It’s not doing what you think it is at that point. For the most part, the medical community agrees that vitamin C is not that great at fighting off colds. But what it can do is reduce how long you suffer when you have a cold. Meaning, instead of 7 days of cold symptoms, that number might be reduced to 4 days.

This does not mean you shouldn’t take vitamin C anymore. It just means that there are other things better at preventing colds. Such as getting your children to wash their hands after coming home from school and before snacks and meals.

  1. Go raw with vitamin C foods.

Cooking your vegetables will decrease its vitamin C levels.

To get the most benefits from your food sources of vitamin C, go raw whenever possible. If you or your kids have a hard time eating various vegetables raw, consider blending it up into a green smoothie and adding a banana for some sweetness.

The best thing about vitamin C is that it’s an easy vitamin to include in our diets, and the benefits are far-reaching for every member of your family. So eat up and stay healthy!