6 Tips for a Clean Home
A picture of a young wife cleaning a marble work surface in the kitchen

6 Tips for a Clean Home

cleaning house

We all lead busy lives, and sometimes this crazy schedule makes it hard to keep up on the day-to-day cleaning that’s needed for a clean home. And while we all know that cleaning can help us feel better and allows things to be more organized, sometimes it’s just not a simple task. Until now. Instead of belaboring all your cleaning tasks into one dreadful event, the following list will help you keep a clean home and do so without stressing yourself out. Check out these six tips for a clean home that will also allow you to keep your sanity.

1. De-clutter every six months.

One of the reasons we get overwhelmed with cleaning is because we start to collect so much stuff. Instead of allowing all this “junk” to build up in our homes, make it a point to de-clutter every six months. This means taking the time to go through basements, closets, attics, drawers, and anywhere else that may collect your “stuff”. By doing this more regularly, you’ll find that it’s not such a big task and that you stop collecting as much stuff. And if you really want to take your de-cluttering to the extreme, try the Marie Kondo method.

2. Choose multipurpose furniture.

Sometimes it may seem like you have so much stuff because of all the furniture you collect or how you find it hard to keep everything in its place. This is why multipurpose furniture is always a good option. Not only will you need less furniture to handle everything you need it to, but you’ll also have an easier way of determining what goes where. “Multipurpose furniture serves multiple purposes throughout a home and is a good way to still have all your necessities without over-indulging,” says Bouclair’s Peter Goldberg.

3. Clean up after yourself.

We make cleaning into such a chore by being unclean in the first place. Instead of putting cleaning off, make it a point to clean up after yourself, no matter what it may be.

  • Wash dishes right after you use them and put them away
  • Fold laundry after you do a load and put it away
  • Go through mail right when you collect it and put bills in a designated spot and throw the rest away (or recycle)
  • Put makeup/hair products/stylers/etc. away after you use it instead of leaving them on the bathroom counter

It may seem like a lot of work at first, but once you get into the habit of cleaning up after yourself, you’ll find that you don’t have to go through bigger cleaning rampages in order to keep your home clean.

4. Invest in automation.

If you have the ability to put technology to work for you, then do it. This means allowing automation to help you keep your home clean. Invest in a Roomba or other robot-like floor cleaner to clean your floors while you are at work. Invest in an automatic shower cleaner to keep your shower sparkling without having to lift a finger. If possible, set your dishwasher and laundry on a timer so it gets itself ready for you. Opt for the smart home feature when you can so that you can automate most of your cleaning for a better home.

5. Make it simple.

If your cleaning regimen means breaking out the yellow rubber gloves, using different concoctions for whatever you’re cleaning, and taking an entire day to get it done, then you’re doing it wrong. Why complicate things if you can just make it simple? Opt for multi-surface cleaners so you can use the same product to clean your home, no matter the surface. You can also opt to put Clorox wipes or a similar product in every bathroom so it’s easier to wipe the sinks, toilets, and bathtubs down without needing to get special cleaners.

6. Get organized.

The only way you’ll ever truly have a clean home is to get yourself organized. This means taking the time to find a place for everything, no matter what it is. For instance, you should have a designated spot for your keys, your mail, important papers/bills, shoes, purses/backpacks, etc. When your home is more organized and everyone knows where things belong, you’ll find there’s less clutter for you to pick up.

Keeping your home clean doesn’t mean you need to schedule a weekend to get it all done. By using these tips, you’ll find that your home is cleaner and that you are less stressed making it happen.