4 Common Misconceptions About CBD & The Truth About It

4 Common Misconceptions About CBD & The Truth About It

Due to the media and how it was framed in pop culture in the past, marijuana is viewed in a certain way, and it actually gets in the way of the healing so many people could get from it. It’s viewed as something for stoners, teenagers, and musicians but that’s not all there is to it. Marijuana isn’t just a drug for a good time. It contains many properties that can actually be very beneficial for many conditions and ailments. We need to empower ourselves with knowledge about it.

In order for us to break through this misinformation, we need to not only demystify marijuana, but we also have to clarify all the misconceptions that come from how we have always seen it. This means that we have to let go of the negative perceptions of the substance, see it in a new light for what it is, and then put it in the hands of people who desperately need it.

It’s the Same As Getting High

The first thing we need to clarify with CBD is what it actually is. To most people, it’s just weed and nothing else, but classifying it as that actually does it and us a huge disservice. Marijuana contains two key substances THC and CBD and they are very different. So when we say CBD is just marijuana or a form of it, we’re actually missing a lot of key information and details. THC is the property in marijuana that gets you high, while CBD is non-intoxicating. This is what makes it a great natural stress reliever. But this doesn’t mean that it doesn’t have an effect on your brain. The effects are different but still mind-altering, but we shouldn’t view CBD the way we view THC and marijuana in general.

You Can Only Smoke It

The view most people have about anything to do with cannabis is that you actually have to smoke it, but that could not be further from the truth. With all the advancement in medication delivery systems, CBD now has different consumption methods that you can incorporate in your daily life. There are vitamins, oils, gummies and brownies so you don’t have to deal with smoke and the unpleasant smell you don’t want to.

Only People Can Use It

There are a whole lot of foods and substances that human beings can consume that animals can’t, but CBD isn’t one of those things. It can actually be very beneficial to your dog for example. According to Cannabidog, “CBD is a substance that can help your dog in a multitude of ways. It can be administered to alleviate things like insomnia, separation anxiety, diabetes, pain and inflammation.”

THC Is Bad

Because CBD is different from THC, a lot of people assume that THC is bad and CBD that is the only good and beneficial thing you can get. Aside from the obvious “benefits” of getting high, THC and CBD can actually work together to the benefit of the patient. It’s just all about balance and knowing what’s actually in the strain you’re taking.

Marijuana is a lot more than a fun past time to relax and have a good time. It has a lot of medicinal qualities and properties that can solve a lot of health issues. The key is that we understand it more, learn what’s in it, so that we can use it the right way, and perhaps help people in need of it in the process.