About This Blog/Blogger

🌸 Welcome to the enchanting world of a Flower Farmer and Urban Homesteader! 🌿✨

My name is Tiffany Washko and I am a passionate soul hailing from the picturesque city of Columbus, OH. With a heart full of joy and a deep appreciation for life’s small wonders, I strive to infuse everyday moments with magic, vibrant health, and unwavering intention.

This wanderer at heart finds solace in both travel and nature, always seeking out secret spots off the beaten path. From hidden waterfalls cascading through moss-covered stones to charming villages nestled amidst rolling hills, I believe that true beauty lies in the unexplored corners of the world. But their heart truly soars as they witness the radiant sunrises illuminating flower fields, painting the sky with a tapestry of hues and hope.

As a dedicated Flower Farmer, I cultivate nature’s artistry, breathing life into vibrant petals that dance under the gentle caress of the wind. My green thumb and nurturing spirit create a harmonious haven where blooms flourish, providing joy and inspiration to all who encounter them.

But my journey extends beyond the fields and into the realm of urban homesteading. Embracing a sustainable lifestyle, I embrace the profound connection between humans and the Earth, tending to my urban oasis with love and care. My small slice of paradise is a testament to the transformative power of intention, where herbs, fruits, and vegetables thrive, nourishing both body and soul.

Follow along on this whimsical journey as I share the stories of my adventures, from discovering hidden covered bridges to embarking on explorations through lush forests. Unearth my favorite haunts and uncover the best-kept secrets that make each destination unforgettable.

Together, let’s celebrate the beauty of nature, the enchantment of the everyday, and the simple joys that make life truly magical. Join me as I strive to create a tapestry of wonder, weaving vibrant threads of happiness, wellness, and intention into the fabric of my existence.

Come, wanderers and dreamers alike, and find inspiration in the extraordinary tales of a Flower Farmer and Urban Homesteader who dances to the rhythm of the Earth, painting the world with bursts of color and embracing the charm that lies just beneath the surface.

🌻✨🍃 #FlowerFarmer #UrbanHomesteader #SeekingMagic #SustainableLiving #NatureEnthusiast


As part of my mission to promote healthy and natural alternatives in the marketplace, and to support my family, I allow a limited amount of advertising on this site. See the graphic below for a breakdown of our recent traffic patterns and demographics below and visit our advertising page if you have a product that satisfies my ideals and will appeal to my audience.

I enjoy working with brands to bring greener and healthier products to a larger audience and have worked with companies such as Ford Motors, Mitsubishi Motors, General Motors, Hyundai, Energy Star, Take Me Fishing, Universal Pictures, Disney, Sleep Number, Chobani, Zico Coconut Water, Jambu, Nordic Naturals, Bionaire, and many others.

Find Me:   Facebook  |  Twitter  |  Linked In  |  Instagram  |  Pinterest


  1. Dr. Mike PhD

    Hello! I think your site is great and I just wanted to let you know I blogrolled you. Keep up the good work.

  2. Tiffany,

    I enjoy your site and hope we can collaborate. I’m encouraging women to use their “purse power” to protect the planet by making many of the changes you promote. Let’s talk!!

  3. Gift of Green

    Gee…is that *all* you do?! : ) Thanks for stopping by – I’m looking forward to catching up on your posts!

  4. keith nason

    I am one of the landowners in Logan and Chanpaign Counties that has a NO WIND TURBINES sign on my 80 acres. These are not your ecologically sound small personal wind turbines. These are 450 foot behemoths that dwarf the surrounding rural and residential countryside, are noisy, create strobe effect when the sun is behind them, and they want to place them on our glacial ridges which are the most highly erosive soils in the state. They are an ecological disaster waiting to happen and construction of these factories would require wide scale destruction of our road infrastructure and our forests. On the surface, which you have seen, they sound great. If you do the research you’ll have a sign in your yard too.

  5. Jan

    How is the Google adsense program working for you?

  6. Missy

    Hi—Tiffany: Love the design of your blog and it’s layout. I’m gonna look into your designer, as i am looking for a more custom look for my vegetarian shoes blog. I am also gonna blogroll you and i found you through sk-rt. Keep up the good work.


  7. Luis

    Great blog!

    If the economics don’t work, recycling efforts won’t either.
    As our little contribution to make this economics of recycling more appealing,http://LivePaths.com blogs about people and companies that make money selling recycled or reused items, provide green services or help us reduce our dependency on non renewable resources.

    PS How can we trade links back to our blogs?


  8. gretchen

    Who did your logo? it’s so freaking awesome!

  9. Bill Hartman

    A little something to pass around for the Environment Blog Action Day, 10/15/7:

    Being pro-environment has become all the rage with major corporations, but how real is their GREEN branding? Take a couple of minutes to watch the “Greed of Green” @ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_QDyZutvt_A
    and go to http://www.DontFlushOurForests.com for more videos. See a very personal way most of us can make a difference with the added benefit of improved hygiene.

  10. mary kate

    loved your blog, every little effort goes a long way, thanks for sharing and have a fabulous new year :)

  11. You’re on my blogroll, my friend! Thanks for all that you do to help others like me live with “a light ecological footprint”.

    (And thanks for visiting my blog earlier – that was cool)

    Heather’s last blog post..Crafty and eco-friendly

  12. tina

    what wonderful useful info.. thanks soooo much for working hard and sharing it!!! Glad I found your natural parents log,.. I look forward to reading more!

  13. Kat and Anna

    We have blogrolled you also, Moms today need as much healthful information as possible to make the difference for the future of our eco-system!
    Happy Farming!

  14. Julie

    I am finding a lot of great information on your web site! Thank you. We are ditching the bpa plastic items in our house and trying to use healthier choices. Love the sippy cup review!

    I’m thinking of homeschooling. I am finding very troubling news though. Have you investigated the U N Convention on Rights of the Child? Basically it gives children the some radical rights that are enforced primarily against the parents.
    Would give government the right to tell you how to educate your children and most believe in the majority of cases that homeschooling would not be the recommendation. It frightens me to see government (world gov’t also) having so much control over how we educate, discipline and raise our children. I’d like to hear your thoughts on this.

  15. Eileen

    Where can I get the melotone syrup. Have look everywhere on the web. thought I found it went order it and something different came up. Help me please

  16. Kimberly Walker

    Tifffany! This is a tremendous resource. Thank you for providing simple WHOLE HEALTH information and options to moms everywhere. Way to go girl!

  17. Kristen

    I am loving your site!! I recently became a vegetarian as part of my contribution to a healthier environment, and I am always looking for ways to “greenify” my family.
    I’ve added you to my blogroll, and I look forward to reading more!

  18. Mary

    Does anyone know of a natural way to store blankets and large comforters (in an attic- so cloth bins with no lid won’t work)? I’m not positive, but based on the strong plastic odor from those plastic storage bins I don’t think they are the safest way to store things. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

  19. Carrie Boyko

    Good luck in your homeschooling experience. I had to homeschool 1 of my 3 children for a few years when she suddenly began having severe migraine headaches. We got through it, though, and now she is headed off to college. I hope all goes well there.

    I, too, am a cancer survivor and have Multiple Sclerosis. It seems we have a lot in common. Multiple challenges and creative solutions along with a healthy lifestyle can bring about better times.

    Best of luck.

  20. Kelly

    Hi! I came across your blog when doing research for work. I am an employee communication specialist and working on a program to educate employees about how important it is to be more green to save the environment. it is going to be a very big campaign and i found your website useful! Thanks. By the way, I am communicating this to 5,500 employees!!!

  21. kristal @ aksarbenlove

    I love using natural products and homemade items. Your blog is awesome for being supportive of that. You go girl!

    kristal @ aksarbenlove.com

  22. sarah pinto

    I would love for you to review my product!

    My 2009 Weekly Planners are simple, stylish, functional and Green. They are made in San Francisco with soy based ink and recycled paper. It is almost new year and time to make that New Years resolution to stay organized.

    I am the mother of two small boys and since becoming a mom, I have to write everything down to keep things in some semblance of order. I couldn’t find a cute and purse friendly planner, so I designed it myself.

    You can check them out at http://www.sarahpinto.com

    Also, a portion of proceeds from one of the planners goes to a very personal cause.

    Retail: $25

    Available: sarahpinto.com, Amazon, Etsy and select stores in San Francisco, Chicago and Dayton.

  23. kayla

    Thank you so much for sharing all of your information it is very useful .

  24. You’re doing an incredible job writing on NatureMoms.
    I’m happy that I can read your blog every day in the morning while I drink my tea.


  25. lyne

    I have just completed reading your bio and felt compelled to write. I am the Director of Operations for ecostore USA. Your review of our Baby Care Product line was so delightful that I had to learn more about you. After reading about your health
    struggles at such a young age I feel I can speak for my ecostore associates when I say that it is an honor to be reviewed by someone who truly gets it. We have to clean the mess out of our homes and make them safe for our children. Thank you so much for helping protect our families and best of luck to you and yours. Lyne Downing

  26. Rene Smits

    Hi Tiffany! Great site and very easy on the eyes. I am a mom of 2 boys (ages 10 and 7) with autism. I have recently started a blog for parents of kids with autism, and a large amount of my content deals with living a green lifestyle. A safe, natural home can make a huge difference in the brain connections of kids with disorders like autism. I partner with Melaleuca health & wellness products so that people can try green products after visiting my site. I was hoping you and I could link to one another’s sites – what do you think? I am open to any sort of feedback you can offer! Thanks and Blessings to you!
    Rene, The Autism Mom

  27. Alison

    Thank you for doing this. I can’t tell you how happy I am to have come upon your site!

  28. Wow, love your site, just found it by searching on blogcatalog as I have just started my very first blog. I have really enjoyed reading your latest posts and look forward to reading more later…when my kids are fast asleep. Keep up the good work!
    from Nigel…naturerocks….

  29. Angie

    My biz partner and I are following our passion like you. Yes we have products for people to make better eco purchases BUT THE KEY IS TO make it easy for everyone to live a sustainable lifestyle. We try to research and gather helpful tips everyday for our site. One I like to use at home: ORGANIC FURNITURE POLISH – 1 cup of olive oil and the juice from 5 Lemons, can also be used for salad dressing at dinner time!! Sounds weird but works. Takes a thin layer to do a great job. Tiffany, we feel if just one less person buys a chemical based product by visiting our sites, whether they buy it or make it, Mother Nature is pleased! Any chance we can work with you towards this common goal, let us know. Keep up the great work! angie@karmafarmonline.com

  30. Artfully

    Thanks for your timely messages about how through our everyday choices we are really poisoning ourselves. People are waking up but it takes work to get it right. Does anyone know of a place that gives you some insight on enacting change when dealing with school boards & the public school system. By the time I learn how my kid will be in college. Home schooling isn’t an option for us.

  31. I love your blog Tiffany! There are so many good articles and information, I just can’t get enough.

  32. Peita Gardiman

    Hi, I have recently discovered your site and I love it. The design and the content are excellent. I will be back many many times.

    I have just started my own blog along similar lines (www.earthwiselifewise.com.au) which is aimed at the Australian market and I admire what you have achieved with your family. I also was a marketing profeesional in a previous life and I am now after 2 children turning my attention to good living, sustainability and orgnaic ways if living and spreading my thoughts to the commmunity. So thank you, you are an inspiration to me.

  33. I find your blog inspiring. I have always wanted to live more naturally and now that I am an adult with a family of my own its more important than ever but with a tight budget and a lack of world experiances I find myself lost, disgruntled, and lacking motivation with it. But reading your blog really gives me that encouragement to keep on trying, because the difference it makes in our lives is worth it!

  34. EJ Shames

    Hi Tiffany

    I just found your site today! I was looking up natural parenting sites, and there you were.

    Congrats on such a lovely site ! You have done so much to educate and inform people how to live a more natural life, by being such a good role model. Awesome!

    I look forward to getting to read more about you, and your site.

    Peace and light
    EJ Shames

  35. Amy Lou

    Just found your site. Wonderful information and writing. Good to know so many others love their family and their earth.
    We can not win a war against nature. Loving our environment is an act of loving our family and our own life, as much as it is an act of caring for the health of the planet.

  36. Pingback: 31 Days to Becoming a Better Blogger | Tiffany Washko.com

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