Silence Won’t Finish the Fight Against Cancer
The big C. Cancer. I have quite a bit to say about cancer actually because it became a big part of my life 6 years ago next month. I clearly remember the moment when they told me it was cancer that had been making so sick for he previous months. I was so relieved to finally KNOW why I was so sick that I think my doctors thought I was not facing up to facts. I had stage three cancer for sure and they feared that it might have spread to my liver. I went under the knife knowing that I might wake up … [Read more...]
Green Goals for 2013
My personal resolutions or goals for 2013 have been made. Now it is time to make a few goals specific to a greener lifestyle and environment so that I can 'up my game' in that department even more. It's all part of being a socially responsible member of my community. I am excited to work on a few things that are lacking and also delve into new territory. Goal #1 - Grow More Food!! Last year was the first year we grew absolutely nothing and I feel rather disappointed in myself. We have a … [Read more...]
The Power of Reclaiming Domesticity
Over the weekend I read a great article on The Washington Post about the fact that women are reclaiming domestic activities...ala cooking, canning, knitting and such, and it asks whether this is empowering or a step backwards for women's progress. I think the article is beneficial because it is rightly painting domestic tasks in a favorable light and shows that women who pursue such things are finding enjoyment in them. But I also think it misses a larger point about feminism and … [Read more...]
Shopping for World Change
Hot on the heels of a post about minimalism, I am posting about the benefits of ethical shopping. Aren't the two mutually exclusive? I don' think so. We have so many problems globally and nationally that are a direct result of addiction to consumption. We are literally spending ourselves into a deeper, darker hole every year. Deciding to go minimalist is a wonderful step in combating this issue because it allows us to take a time out and evaluate what our values are. Once we see that "things" … [Read more...]
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