Carrier oils and butters become something of interest when you want to start making your own beauty products, herb infused oils, and when you want to use essential oils for beauty and for wellness. A carrier oil "carries" the beauty product or essential oil to broad area of the body. Imagine if you will, putting a drop or two of lavender oil on your fingers. How far will those drops of lavender go? How much skin can be covered? The answer is not much. This is why a carrier oil or butter comes in … [Read more...]
8 Nifty Natural Uses for Salt
Salt gets a bad wrap quite often as being an excessive part of our diets, but it has some alternative uses around the home. This inexpensive mineral can be used to clean rugs, wood cutting boards, sinks, and various other things around the home. Here are some of salt's nifty uses. 1. Carpet Cleaner For liquid spills, soak up as much of the liquid as possible using cloth towels or rags. Then sprinkle salt liberally on the area. Wait for about 15-30 minutes while the salt absorbs the liquid. … [Read more...]
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