A foot massage has to be one of the most enjoyable and popular massages. It might even be the reason why so many ladies love to have pedicures. Pretty toes are nice but the massage that comes with the pedicure can't be beat! They are simple and easy to perform as well so trading massages with your spouse can be an excellent lazy evening at home idea. It can be reviving and therapeutic! Our feet are super sensitive and super responsive. Many complimentary therapies (think reflexology or … [Read more...]
12 Amazing Uses for Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil has many practical, therapeutic, and medicinal benefits that make it a must have in any green/natural household. Since you can get high quality tea tree oil for an affordable price it is bought and used consistently in our home for all sorts of things. Here are just some of the things you may find it useful for: Household cleaning - Tea tree oil is antibacterial so use it to clean kitchen and bathroom surfaces where bacteria can linger. Your house will be clean and it will … [Read more...]
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