Here I go getting all controversial again. ;) I don't think I have ever talked about this subject in depth before..other than to say I am opposed to circumcision. But this article about how Denmark is considering a ban on circumcision got my attention. I have strong feelings on this issue. It is medically unnecessary and it is traumatic for baby boys so I don’t/won’t do it. Well, scratch that... actually I can't say that I have always felt this way. Let's just say that when I had my first boy … [Read more...]
Organic Tees Giveaway
No doubt we would all dress ourselves and our kids in organic and natural threads if we could...but for many this is still a not so attainable goal right now. Organic duds cost more and they aren't readily available in the stores we usually shop in. But for those that splurge occasionally and get organic clothes I recently come across two really cool companies that make adorable, organic gear for kids. The first is Green Apple Baby. Not only do they sell gorgeous 100% organic tees with a … [Read more...]
The Danger of Phthalates and PVC
I have devoted a fair amount of discussion on this blog to BPA, a nasty ingredient found in plastics. Although lately my blog stats tell me that moms are also very concerned with Phthalates and PVC too...and rightly so. Here are the basics about these and why we should avoid them. Phthalates are a group of man made chemicals that are widely used as plastic softeners and in hairsprays, perfumes, cosmetics, toys, shower curtains, wood finishes, lubricants and more. Over 1 billion pounds of … [Read more...]
My 7 Claims to Weirdo Status
Sharon at New Urban Mom has asked me to share seven random and weird things about myself. I have done memes like this before so I feel as though I have very few secrets from you all but I will attempt to share some more. At first I thought I really would delve into my more bizarre nature and number one would have been that I talk to myself...a lot. But then I thought perhaps I would share a few things about myself that I don't find particularly weird but that other people do (or at least so they … [Read more...]
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