I am a reformed bug/insect hater. I grew up hating any kind of bug, insect, spider, flying pest, etc. Then I grew up and started gardening. I learned to love certain bugs and even spiders who kill the bad bugs. When I moved in a rental home some six years ago there were no bugs in the yard whatsoever (except earwigs and ants). I am happy to say that by the time I moved it was bug city! To me it meant the land was thriving if all the bugs wanted to come and hang in my garden. Heck I was (and … [Read more...]
5 Ways to Get Children Gardening
Children have so many ways to keep busy. Computers, televisions, tablets, game consoles, the Internet, and more. However, as a parent, you know that some of those “things to do” are rather mindless and void of any learning value. The question is, how do we get children away from the mindless into something not only educational, but fun as well. Take gardening for example. Gardening for kids can be more than a hobby; it can be a life skill that can serve them for the rest of their lives. … [Read more...]
Eco-Friendly Gardening Practices
Gardening can be hard on the environment if you don’t know what you’re doing. This may seem seem impossible since gardening and cultivating the earth seem so earth friendly but think about the impacts of what you are doing. Are you using chemical fertilizers? Are you buying plants raised with bee killing neonicotinoid pesticides?Are you using unsustainable amounts of water? There are eco-friendly gardening practices that you can use to lessen the impact on Mother earth. Here are easy gardening … [Read more...]
Your Garden May Be Harming the Bees, Not Helping Them
The decline of the bees has been a concern of mine for several years now. I first wrote about why we need bees three years ago and then just again recently with an article on how to attract more bees to your yard and local community. I see personally just how few bees we have buzzing around these days and of course the headlines are full of news too, such as the massive bee deaths that have occurred all over the country. Movies such as Vanishing of the Bees also highlight the growing problem and … [Read more...]
More Bees Please; How to Attract Bees to Your Yard and Local Community
Do you know how to attract bees to your yard? Maybe a better question is why would you possibly want to attract bees to your yard? While there are some people who will do whatever it takes to eliminate all kinds of insects from their property in an attempt to create the “perfect” yard, the more informed and conscious gardeners, homeowners, and consumers understand that the presence of bees is actually a good thing. Vital in fact. The more bees that are present in your yard or garden, the … [Read more...]
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