If anyone were to ask me what my secret weapon is for cleaning my home effectively but without toxic ingredients I would have to go with baking soda. I would also likely mention some other things too like vinegar, essential oils, etc. but baking soda is the big daddy. I use it in so many places around the house I think I have lost count but here are a few of my favorite ways you can use baking soda around the house. For cleaning and beyond... Carpet Deodorizer - I hate having carpet but we … [Read more...]
Green Energy 101
Energy is always a hot discussion in politics. Alternative sources and solutions for our energy needs are often discussed and encouraged but we have been using certain forms of energy for so long that some may be confused about how we can utilize greener energy. Recent events (Hurricane Sandy) and discussions about climate change should tell us we need to bite the bullet as a nation and as a planet and invest in alternative energy NOW. Wind, solar, hydro, and geothermal energy are probably … [Read more...]
Eco Wrap – TreeHugger, Vanity Fair, and Monsanto
TGIF! Have an awesome weekend everyone! Woot! This week I was named as one of TreeHugger.com's favorite greens of the week! They are a huge blog (the big daddy of green) with a huge readership so I am honored. You can see their banner with my blog in it at the bottom of this post. I received a very useful link from a new Twitter friend this week which I think nicely sums up the ways you can reduce waste. I especially like #8. Vanity Fair has done it again. Another awesome green issue! … [Read more...]
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