Eight years ago if you asked me what type of diaper I would be using on my first child I would have given you a very confused look and said something like "Huh???". Nowadays many parents recognize that this question is not so easy anymore. In addition to the variety at the grocery store... Pampers, Huggies, White Cloud... we also have some others to consider. Disposable diapers with fewer chemicals, flushable diapers, and dozens upon dozens of options in cloth diapers abound. But which is … [Read more...]
Green Baby Diapers
Moms have been emailing me quite often lately about cloth diapers...are they the greener choice, which ones are best, etc. I cloth diapered two of my babies and I even owned a cloth diaper manufacturing company and store for a few years. I am a big advocate for cloth diapers. To the right you will see my daughter wearing a tye dye diaper I made for her. So first things first...are they REALLY the green choice in diapering. Yes! Disposable diaper advocates are quick to say that cloth diapers use … [Read more...]
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