Gardening can be hard on the environment if you don’t know what you’re doing. This may seem seem impossible since gardening and cultivating the earth seem so earth friendly but think about the impacts of what you are doing. Are you using chemical fertilizers? Are you buying plants raised with bee killing neonicotinoid pesticides?Are you using unsustainable amounts of water? There are eco-friendly gardening practices that you can use to lessen the impact on Mother earth. Here are easy gardening … [Read more...]
Get the Scoop, on Genetically Modified Foods
In the mid-90s something called a Genetically Modified Organism was introduced to our food supply. A GMO occurs when the genes of one animal or plant species is artificially inserted into another animal or plant. One side of the debate supports that studies showed a 61% decrease in herbicide usage on GM Cottons. However, the other side rebutted that because of the speedy spread of Super-weeds, resistant to herbicides, even more chemicals would be used to compensate. When it comes to the GMO … [Read more...]
10 Steps to Planting Organic Veggies in Newspaper Pots
Guest post by Debbie Steinberg Kuntz, founder & editor of Odyssey Outdoors. If you want to know where your food comes from, there's no better way than to grow it yourself! That's just what we did with a group of families last weekend in the outdoor family group we formed about a year ago. We followed these 10 easy steps. 1. Gather supplies. We started with newspaper, some beautiful organic seeds that would grow in early spring in our area, organic potting soil, … [Read more...]
Why Living Green Is So Important for This Family
My intro into a more natural and green existence was not born of some desire to save the earth and preserve it for my children. Sure I cared somewhat about being green but saving the planet was not a huge motivator for change in my life. What spurred the changes in my life and caused me to seek out greener pastures was the safety of my kids and a few bad experiences that made me acutely aware of how toxic everything around them was. I found it empowering to research common household products and … [Read more...]
AlkaMate for Alkalized Water Daily
Quite some time ago I got in the habit of drinking alkalized water as much as I possibly could. I was first introduced to the concept somewhere along my journey with cancer. Even mainstream doctors these days are acknowledging that cancer thrives in an acidic body and acid does a number on our cells in general. How can we expect our our body to remain healthy when we give our cells (the building blocks) an acid bath with acidic foods and water? You can't... hence the reason behind eating lots of … [Read more...]
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