We have had a really fun and enjoyable weekend. I got to spend it with people I love and we had lots of our favorite foods. The pace was slow and I was able to savory every second. Even got to see a movie with my Dad, my hubby, and my youngest son. We saw Wrath of the Titans. We just don't have enough of these weekends! We dug out the bunny decorations and fake grass we have used for years. The Easter Dinner table was set... And we were ready to eat! Shortly after I snapped the picture … [Read more...]
10 Ways To Get Outside – Even After School Starts
Homework, soccer practice, ballet – is there time in the schedule to play outside? Here are some tips to get a Green Hour -- or at least part of an hour – during a busy day: 1. Scenario: Traffic made you late, there's no time to cook dinner, so you drive the family over to the rotisserie chicken place to get a quick meal. Tip: Keep a picnic blanket in your car for an impromptu picnic on any spot of grass you can find! 2. Scenario: Backpack? Check. Lunch? Check. You're ready to head to … [Read more...]
My Plate Mate – BPA, PVC, and Phthalate Free
This week my son has been testing a new mom gadget called My Plate Mate. Basically is a band of circular plastic that fits snugly around 8"-9 1/2" inch plates. It acts as a barrier or wall so that little hands aren't pushing their food onto the floor or table while they eat. It basically gives them a leg up on the self feeding arena by making it easier to get food on a utensil and keep it on the plate. I was impressed not so much by the idea of the product as I was the ethical way in which … [Read more...]
My Cross Country Journey
I have been gone for a couple weeks. As I mentioned in previous posts I was going to move to Arizona to seek treatment at the Virginia G. Piper cancer center in Scottsdale. Well my move is complete. I am back in Arizona again after nearly a year in small town Ohio. I was pretty sad to leave Ohio and my beautiful Victorian house I had JUST moved into. Oh well, got to get this cancer off my back. I decided to write about the journey as I went along so I am going to post my notes as I wrote them … [Read more...]
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