This is the time of year when you will begin to be bombarded with magazine articles and blog posts about spring cleaning. I certainly understand the idea and full support it because after those long winter months cooped up in the house I am more than ready to start fresh and clear the cobwebs. Spring is my favorite season and I am so energized by it that even cleaning is bearable...and seriously, by then I really do have lots of cobwebs to clean. There is a step that comes before spring … [Read more...]
30 Day Clean & Green Kitchen Plan
Cleaning the kitchen is one of those things that I know needs to be broken down into daily tasks but an actual plan of action seems to elude me. I always seem to get the bare minimum done... aka cleaning the counters so I can prepare the day's meals or loading/unloading the dishwasher so we have clean dishes to eat off of. But cleaning the spray off the backsplash and stove, wiping down the walls, or cleaning up stray peas underneath the kitchen table... forget it! This year I totally planned to … [Read more...]
Easy Ways to Use Healing Aromatherapy Oils in the Home
One of the first "alternative" healing methods that ever interested me was aromatherapy. I loved the idea that so many plants were actually a powerhouse of amazing properties and that you could use their very essence to tap into healing. The idea that one woman may decide to take a variety of drugs to help with headaches and another may look to flowers and leaves and get better results is kind of intoxicating. Unlike eating a plant or a flower aromatherapy revolves around inhaling the plant … [Read more...]
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