January and February in this house means lots of garden planning. Last month the Worm Factory was set up to compost for us and this past week a small greenhouse went up. We are now itching to get to auctions and estate sales so we can grab up planters and to get seedlings going in the meantime. We have tons of heirloom seeds and lots of dreams AND fortunately for us our kids get just as excited about growing things as we do. They all want to help because a garden is magical. Childhood is a … [Read more...]
Eco Wrap
TGIF! Have an awesome weekend everyone! I will continue spending lots of time with my oldest son who is on spring break. We have been doing crafts projects, going to the movies, going bowling, and I think we are going to the zoo today if I can swing it. While at the movies I fell into a pothole and sprained my ankle which now has a golf ball size lump on it. :( But to cheer myself up I got my spring/summer haircut early. I hacked off my shoulder blade length hair...2 inches or so in length on … [Read more...]
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