Everyone Deserves Clean, Safe Water
I know I take water for granted quite often. How about you? I just turn on the tap and out comes a seemingly limitless supply. We use it for drinking, cooking, flushing, and bathing daily and while we might be concerned and a little upset by what is added to our water supply (fluoride, chlorine) we still have relatively safe and clean water at our disposal each and every day. Many people around the world are not so fortunate. My first world problems do not compare to what is going on … [Read more...]
Eco Anxiety
When it comes to talking about environmental concerns and threats to our planet I do my fair share here on this blog and in my personal life. But how does that make you feel? Does it make you anxious? Are you losing sleep? Well, I guess it was only a matter of time before a "new" eco-service would hit the market to address this...enter eco-therapy. If all this talk about global warming, deforestation, chemicals in your food, etc. are making you anxious you can get help. Melissa Pickett, an … [Read more...]
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