Imagine this: Each weekend, your family gathers to care for your garden. The joy in your children's eyes as they realize they've successfully grown a tomato is priceless. They excitedly inform you that they're the architects behind planting and watering those tomatoes, indicating a newfound attachment to their hard work. Do you like this sense of accomplishment and connection as part of your family's routine? Then, it's time to include gardening in your list of family activities. Prepared … [Read more...]
Back to School Shopping for all Seasons
It’s that time. Time to go back to school and get all of the supplies you will need for the coming school year. It might be tempting to buy clothes for all weather scenarios that might arise during the school year. If you did that, though, it would probably be a mistake. You’ll just end up spending more money than you need to. In fact if you wait until the back to school season to do most or all of your school related shopping then you ARE spending too much money. I know, I know everyone is … [Read more...]
6 Reasons Why Living in a Small House is Better
We live in a society where people frequently purchase huge lavish houses in an effort to flaunt their social status and fit in within a certain "lifestyle" they deem superior. For many the cost of these homes digs a huge hole in their pockets and they ultimately have to forgo their other desires and expenses. Or they may work extra jobs or hours to keep this lifestyle afloat at the expense of their families and their health. If you take a quick look back in time, you’ll see that smaller homes … [Read more...]
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