"If someone said 'Write a sentence about your life' I'd write, 'I want to go outside and play.'" - Jenna Elfman Awhile back I mentioned that one of my all time favorite books was MaryJane’s Ideabook - Cookbook - Lifebook by MaryJane Butters. I also LOVE her magazine. If I could wave my magic wand and give myself a life makeover... I might just have to be the next MaryJane Butters. She rocks! Anyway, a couple months ago I got her latest book called MaryJane's Outpost - Unleashing Your Inner … [Read more...]
3 Of My Favorite Books
My hubby and I were doing a mini re-model project in my office over the weekend. I was pulling books off the upper shelves to clean and prep them for paint and came across a few gems that I absolutely love and wouldn't do without in my personal library. Since they were a hair's width away from the ceiling I don't drag out the ladder to pull them down and reference them as much as I used to but after perusing them today, while hubby painted, I knew I had to write about them. Despite the fact … [Read more...]
Carnival of the Green #123
Woot! Finally my turn to host The Carnival of the Green. :) As I was reading submissions this week I was thinking about how much "green" blogging goes on that I am not even aware of. I guess I concern myself mainly with green as it relates to family but boy I am not even scratching the surface. I LOVE blog surfing to see what the latest and greatest green news and opinion is. If you missed last week's carnival it was at Agroblogger. So without further ado...let's dive in. First up EcoJoe … [Read more...]
Peanut Butter Carob Balls Recipe
Recently Nicole commented on this post that she wanted me to post the recipe I used for the delicious organic Peanut Butter Carob Balls I described. So here it. I got it from one of my favorite books: The Healthiest Kid in the Neighborhood. Peanut Butter Carob Balls (makes 30 small balls) 1/2 cup carob powder 1/2 cup honey ( I used raw) 1/2 crunchy peanut butter 1/2 cup raw sunflower seeds 1/2 cup sesame seeds 1/2 cup oats 1/2 ground flax seed meal Mix all ingredients … [Read more...]
This Organic Life
I had time this weekend to curl up in a hammock this weekend re-read one of my favorite books. While my kids were splashing around in a small pool I dived into the world of Joan Dye Gussow once again by reading the book This Organic Life Confessions of a Suburban Homesteader. The book opens with a quote by Wendell Berry, who wrote The Gift of Good Land. Might it not be that eating and farming are inseparable concepts that belong together on the farm, not two distinct economic activities as we … [Read more...]
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