Many people believe that nature supplies us with everything that the human body and mind needs to maintain health. Modern day studies seem to prove that this is true more often that not. In many cases choosing to eat those foods that nature supplies us rather than processed food is proving to be an important key to good health. This is certainly true when it comes to fighting bouts of depression as scientists have discovered that there are several foods that are now being used to as part of the … [Read more...]
15 Ways to Boost Immunity and Keep Illness Away Without Vaccines
Everywhere I go I am seeing signs and advertisements promoting flu vaccination. Local stores are all offering incentives for people to get their shots and doctor's offices are pushing for them strongly. This year for us will be just like every year previous though...we politely decline any vaccines and instead concern ourselves with boosting immunity and staying healthy naturally and without injecting ourselves with a chemical cocktail. There is no data to available to show that the benefit of … [Read more...]
Ways to Reuse Vitamin Bottles and Supplement Jars
I am very much in favor of supplementation. This is because I belive that our food system is so broken and our soil conditions are so lacking that food cannot provide us with all the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals we need for health. To close the gap I take various supplements such as fish oils, magnesium, Vitamin D3, and Milk Thistle. I have some on hand that I am trying out and some that I only need occasionally, like Echinacea. This leaves me with a bit of waste problem. I have many brown … [Read more...]
Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega-D3
There have been so many diet changes lately and so many new and wonderful products I have tried looking to prioritize my health and that of my family. One of the smaller changes we made was that we started consuming fish oils so that our diet would have an ample supply of Omega 3 essential fatty acids, EPA and DHA. I have been trying a few different brands and products but one of the front runners is Nordic Naturals and their Ultimate Omega - D3, which has fish oils obviously and 1000 I.U. of … [Read more...]
Omega3 and DHA from Algae Instead of Fish Oils
Last week I posted about fish oils and why I feel they are superior to flax oils for Omega3 and DHA supplementation. With all the research that has been done into our body's ability to convert the flax into useful DHA I still think fish oils are superior for that purpose. Of course flax seeds are still beneficial on many levels. They just may not be the best source for DHA. Fish oils admittedly have their own issues though. For one, vegans won't touch them. ;) Also a diet of fish, flesh or … [Read more...]
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