Is it almost that time again? My kids are already asking for homemade Popsicles using fresh juice, green smoothies, and fruit smoothies. Last I night I dug out our Tovolo rocket pops and star pops and perused online for one other set since the 5 of us can go through 12 pops on a hot summer day in no time. I won't buy in a store unless they are marked BPA free or they indicate the type of plastic used. There are lots of cute options online though. Besides the ones I already mentioned (above) … [Read more...]
Its a Wrap – Cool Links and Blogs
Have a great weekend all! My weekend looks pretty uneventful. My hubby works every other weekend so that explains it. I will just be chilling with the kids +one. My niece will be spending the weekend with us. And I will of course be sending lots of virtual love to my new nephew who just arrived in America from China last week. Earth Day/Week was nice even if I didn't get to see the new Earth movie from Disney. My stupid, bass ackwards little town decided not to show it at the local theatre so … [Read more...]
Vita-Mix 5200 – BPA Free Blender
If there is one kitchen gadget that is indispensable in this house it is hands down a high speed blender. Over the years I used many different blenders and they could pretty much be summed up in one word...crap. Anytime you tried to blend something with a little substance they would get jammed up, they would blend unevenly leaving chunks of ice in a smoothie for instance, and generally I just never met a blender I liked. That all changed about 4 years ago when I went into a Costco in Arizona and … [Read more...]
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