Mother's Day has become yet another commercial holiday were you are encouraged to buy people "stuff" they don't need. Of course I am not going to to complain about ANY day where moms get some extra props and receive gifts from a loved one. I just think we need to think a little about the woman on the other end of the gift a bit more. A green mom especially might be more sensitive to all the unnecessary waste associated with these holidays. Flowers won't last and they may have been doused in … [Read more...]
Mother’s Day Gifts for Green Moms
Knowing what to get a green mom for Mother's Day can be a tough call. In general most green moms believe in reduce, reduce, reduce, reuse whenever we can, and then when we HAVE to... recycle. The commercialization of Mother's Day often means we get gift and get "crap we don't need". But if you take into consideration what a mom values, what a green mom values, and what type of gifts we would actually use... then you can come up with a few sure fire ideas. 1. Gift the Gift of Time - No fancy … [Read more...]
Farming Game for Kids
We recently added another board game to our collection. We LOVE games and mom especially loves games that have some earth friendly message or that encourage a curiosity in nature. A few weeks back I won a $50 gift certificate to a homeschool store, I used part of it to buy The Farm Game for Kids. I have to say that this is one enjoyable and educational game. The game has three levels of play so it is almost like having three different games in one. The first level is for kids starting at age … [Read more...]
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