January and February in this house means lots of garden planning. Last month the Worm Factory was set up to compost for us and this past week a small greenhouse went up. We are now itching to get to auctions and estate sales so we can grab up planters and to get seedlings going in the meantime. We have tons of heirloom seeds and lots of dreams AND fortunately for us our kids get just as excited about growing things as we do. They all want to help because a garden is magical. Childhood is a … [Read more...]
Who Is Telling the Truth
Hollywood film producer Robert Evans once said that "There are three sides to every story: Your side, my side, and the truth. And no one is lying." I would have to say that it does seem one side is lying when it comes to Agri-Corp and food issues. Or at least they are not telling the whole story. They are piecing together half truths to lead people to a conclusion that supports their business. Take these two web sites for example: The Center for Global Food Issues or CGFI Milk is Milk Both … [Read more...]
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