In early November if you recall there was a Healthy Living eBook bundle being promoted here and all over the web for a bundle of ebooks written by some of the top healthy living bloggers. It offered 34 books valued at over $300 for only $29. I know that many, many folks took advantage of this great offer. I am a proud owner of this set myself and it is an amazing collection for those who want to live and eat more consciously. I have all the books on my tablet and plan to do lots of reading over … [Read more...]
8 Ideas for Creating a Children’s Garden
Gardening is on my mind a lot right now. The weather is just getting so nice, our seedlings are really growing, and soon we will be spending many hours a day out in the sun tending our garden. As I shared in a post last week, one big part of making gardening fun for kids is making sure they have their own kid size gardening gear. Another big part of it is making sure that your garden is kid friendly and fun. Did you know that you can create a growing space or garden JUST for them? Well, you … [Read more...]
Naturally Lovely Jewelry
I ran across a beautiful product recently that I wanted to share with my readers. Let me say first that I am not generally a fan of jewelry. In fact the only necklace I wear with any frequency is a very hippy Rune necklace that has the symbol for balance on it. But recently I have fallen in love with the simplicity and beauty of the nature inspired necklaces from Monsoon Artisans. They take .999 fine silver (finer then sterling silver) and then carefully sculpt it into the shape of an Arizona … [Read more...]
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