Follow these tips and your cast iron pots and pans will last forever. #1 Use it often - Unlike so many other types of cookware the more you use cast iron the better it will work. Amazing. #2 Show some respect - If you take care of your cast iron you will end up handing it off to the next generation in the same condition in which you received it. #3 Clean after each use - Don't throw it in the sink and forget about it. You need to cleanup afterwards, right after cooking. Rinse with hot … [Read more...]
10 Easy Ways to Reduce Kitchen Waste
According to a research, the average kitchen wastes approximately $1000 in food per year. Roughly 40% of all food produced worldwide ends up in the garbage. Think of how many hungry people could be fed if we cleaned up our act and actually used what we purchased and thus only purchased what we actually needed. Our budgets would be immediately helped by making a few changes and wasting less food. I know personally I cringe at the idea of throwing away $1000 a year. I can think of many ways I … [Read more...]
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