Above: Stephanie (right, photo credit) and I with The Lorax! I posted part one of my BlogHer 12 adventure last week. I need to post the rest of it now before I forget all the little details. They are already getting hazy! After sight seeing for a day and a half, the parties started. On Thursday night I went to a Stonyfield Yogurt cocktail party at Rouge Tomate (near Central Park). Afterwards I went to what turned out to be the highlight of my trip, a screening of the movie Toxic … [Read more...]
Festival of Frugality #97
The Natural Family Living blog is proud to host the 97th edition of the Festival of Frugality! There are lots of great posts in this edition and this subject is one I feel is often very closely tied to being green, so I appreciate frugality quite a bit. So without further ado... Editor's Picks Frugal Panda gives us several ways to become a frugal gardener so that cultivating your green thumb is as cost efficient as possible. The Happy Rock has saved me some pennies because I didn't even … [Read more...]
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