The search for safe, reliable products can be very difficult at times. We can't always get enough information to know whether the things we buy for our families will satisfy our standards for purity and quality. The natural response many of us have had is to produce these things ourselves, and many of us have started with fruits and vegetables. Creating home gardens and orchards to feed our families keeps us from buying products that may have been contaminated with pesticides or bacteria, and … [Read more...]
Feeding Rabbits on the Homestead
Like all pets, rabbits need a balanced diet in order to thrive. Because 20% of a rabbit’s entire body weight is occupied by its digestive system, diet is especially important to a bunny's health. Many of the pellet foods that are provided in the US market contain everything that your rabbit will need nutrition-wise. They are also the simplest option – even though some of them are high in calories compared to what a rabbit would eat out in the wild. They can be kind of pricey though. If you are … [Read more...]
Instant Pot Rabbit Soup
I could sing the praises of pressure cookers all day long. They make it amazingly easy to make a fast meal with a slow cooked taste. The flavors pop, the meat falls off the bone, and you can walk in the house with only 45 minutes to spare and still have an amazing dinner. This soup imitates a classic chicken noodle soup except it uses rabbit. The flavor is very similar but rabbit is one of the healthiest, leanest, and most environmentally friendly meats you can eat. It is a very sustainable … [Read more...]
Urban Homesteading – Raising Rabbits
More and more urban homesteaders are getting curious about raising rabbits. It is often times the ultimate goal to become more self sufficient and rabbits can help with that. In fact they may be one of the easiest and best ways to help you further your self sufficient homestead goals. How so? Why rabbits? Well there are a few reasons why someone might choose to introduce rabbits to the homestead...besides the cute factor. I have a few rabbits myself... giant chinchilla rabbits and red new … [Read more...]
The Benefits of Grass Fed and Pastured Animal Products
There is an old saying that “you are what you eat”. We hear it often and maybe it has begin to become a bit watered down (by overuse) but really it is quite a truthful statement. Nutritionists like to repeat this quote over and over again to get across to people that food choices are directly linked to our health and to our quality of life. The food that we eat and all of the nutrients contained therein are what provide the building blocks for new cell growth. Cells die off daily and are … [Read more...]
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