For those of us who live an organic lifestyle (or try really hard to), it’s knowing where our food comes from that matters to us most. What confirmed my conversion was learning my son’s developmental delays were due to a dysfunctional digestive system and vitamin deficiency. Since his system can’t efficiently remove toxins, I have to minimize his exposure. My sister’s organic choices are based on healthy eating and being environmentally conscious. Both of us have chicken coops in the … [Read more...]
Organic Can Be Affordable
My recent post over at Green Options spurred a comment that organics are not affordable enough to be practical for average families. I find the comment extremely valuable because I used to think the exact same thing. It was a no brainer that organics were healthier for my family since they had no chemicals, pesticides, or dangerous additives but the price tag was hard to ignore. I wasn't ready to double my grocery bill at that point. Now several years later when my household food is 90% organic, … [Read more...]
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