I love the smells of fall...the leaves, the crisp air, the baking, the seasonal foods, etc. With all those delicious scents in mind I put together a graphic with some essential oil blends for your diffuser. Fill the air with the smells of snickerdoodle cookies, pumpkin pie, fall leaves, orange pomanders, spiced cider, and more. Most of these oils you can buy from your favorite brand/store. Two of them feature custom blends from Young Living but you can buy them on Amazon... Stress Away (a … [Read more...]
6 Reasons to Freeze Your Food
A freezer is a homesteader's very good friend. It allows us to preserve our bounty, buy in bulk, make meals ahead of time, and keep a food stash for when times are tough. Many of us have love our freezer so much we have two or more of them. All that freezer space provides us with lots of possibilities! Here are six reasons why freezing your food is so awesome... 1. It saves us money. Freezing allows us to buy local foods, in season, at the peak of their ripeness/freshness when they are the … [Read more...]
Simple “Get Happy” Tips for Winter and the Holiday Season
This is a wonderfully hectic season. So many people get stressed out during the holidays and winter itself can be a real downer for our mood and general happiness levels. It is so very easy to forget the simple pleasures of life and to put your own health and mental well being to the side. By making a few quick and simple changes we can make feeling happy in the moment a little easier... Turn It Off - The TV that is. Holiday ads are screaming "BUY, BUY, BUY!" Quiet the craziness by pushing … [Read more...]
How to Take Care of Yourself During the Winter Months
This is the time of year when people start getting gung ho about their goals for the new year. For many those goals will include goals to lose weight or generally improve their fitness levels and 'change' their body. Sadly it is also the time when our bodies are naturally the most resistant to changes such as these. Why??? Because they are programmed that way! During the winter months we naturally want to hibernate more, sleep more, and stay warm and cozy. The body doesn't like to lose body … [Read more...]
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