The ingredients in shampoos, soaps, and other body washing products are something that I never gave much thought to until I had children. Okay, got me. Truth be told I didn't even give it much thought after my first child was born. I was one of those naive consumers who thought that the government would never allow products with unsafe ingredients to be sold to the public. I thought that if a product was on a store shelf then it MUST be approved by Uncle Sam and it MUST be safe for me … [Read more...]
Breakfast Bentos and Green Smoothies
My youngest guy is a bit a grazer and a night time eater. He will rarely sit down and eat a whole bowl of cereal or yogurt but give him a bento box filled with nuts or flax chips and he will munch slowly for a couple hours until he has managed to eat it all. Like me, he struggles to find the appetite to eat in the morning. Not sure why that is. So in order to vary things and encourage him to eat more in the morning hours... I have been giving him a variety of foods to eat in small quantities... … [Read more...]
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