The farm to table movement is a very important concept in modern times. It is the concept behind the way we used to eat only a couple generations ago and our mass departure from it has brought bad health and planetary destruction. It wasn't the popular way, or the new fad, that was just the way we ate. Considering how negative the effects have been on society when we lost site of eating farm to table, it is more important than ever that we reconnect with our local farms and eat local. Quite … [Read more...]
Straw Bale Gardening
If you have enough space for a bale of straw, then you have enough space for a garden. Growing vegetables in a straw bale is easy, fun and a good way to inspire kids to start gardening. A straw bale acts much like a raised bed, you just plant directly in the bale. It is a great gardening method to use in areas that have poor soil, or if your dwelling has minimal outdoor space. Use these tips to grow your own straw bale garden. Location Any flat surface that receives at least 6 hours of … [Read more...]
Eco-Friendly Gardening Practices
Gardening can be hard on the environment if you don’t know what you’re doing. This may seem seem impossible since gardening and cultivating the earth seem so earth friendly but think about the impacts of what you are doing. Are you using chemical fertilizers? Are you buying plants raised with bee killing neonicotinoid pesticides?Are you using unsustainable amounts of water? There are eco-friendly gardening practices that you can use to lessen the impact on Mother earth. Here are easy gardening … [Read more...]
10 Easy Ways to Reduce Kitchen Waste
According to a research, the average kitchen wastes approximately $1000 in food per year. Roughly 40% of all food produced worldwide ends up in the garbage. Think of how many hungry people could be fed if we cleaned up our act and actually used what we purchased and thus only purchased what we actually needed. Our budgets would be immediately helped by making a few changes and wasting less food. I know personally I cringe at the idea of throwing away $1000 a year. I can think of many ways I … [Read more...]
Earthing Shoes – Get Touchy Feely with Mother Earth
Late last year I wrote about Earthing - what it is and why it is so important so learn about and implement in our daily lives. The post is rather long winded but essentially it is about reconnecting to the earth...physically. It makes the case that we are actually meant to be in close contact with the earth and that our health suffers when we don't have that contact. We all know that kids who do not have the close contact and "touch" of their parents suffer physically and mentally. It is well … [Read more...]
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