Tag..I am it! Barb at Naturally Wahms has asked me to share 8 things about myself. I hope I don't bore you to tears. Well, here I go with 8 things you may not know about me: 1. I play steel drums (or a steelpan). For many years I was in a steel drum orchestra as a baritone. My favorite song to play was Tequila followed closely by Under the Sea from the Little Mermaid. 2. I used to ride a motorcycle. I got my start riding on the back of my boyfriend's (now husband) bike. I felt like such a … [Read more...]
5 Things You May Not Know About Me
I was tagged by Carrie so I interupt our regularly scheduled programming to bring you five things you may not know about me. Fun! 1. Just like Carrie, I was homeschooled after the 8th grade. I finished highschool in 2 years and started college at 16 years old. 2. I used to play steel drums in an orchestra. 3. I named my first son after a mummie and I named my daughter after a witch. 4. I used to manage a large movie theatre so I got to see free movies for many years...I went about … [Read more...]
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